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Updated 18-9-2000:
We have a new look to the site, hopefully this will be easier to use, and look less clutered than the last site. Next month some time there will be a new gallery of some pics taken down the gym of the owners of Bodybuilder!. We went down the gym with the camera, thought we were pros, and got on everyones nerves, brilliant. The new poll will be kept up fo a few months, this is because we need a lot of votes to get a good idea of the accuracy, if you havent cast a vote yet, please do, it only takes a couple of seconds. Well thats about it for now, good pumping.
The Bodybuilder! staff.

Its a fact, stretching after a workout can help you gain 30% more strength than working out alone. This can also help reduce the soreness level the next day. When stretching be sure not to bounce and jerk the movement. So start to stretch after the workout, and watch the gains come!

A recent study found that not enough fluid is drunk when people workout. This can be dangerous, so keep up the fluids.