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Bodybuilder! The site for hardcore to beginners.

Hi to all that are having a look at this site for the first time, its context will change slightly from now on, as I want to dedicate more to my brother who as an amateur bodybuilder in the U.K has reached a level of superb body sculpture. Jada Castellari won the 2003  NABBA Mr West Britain First Timers class, then in 2004 followed it with a win in the NABBA Mr West Britain Novice Class. Later that year he also competed at the NABBA Mr Britain Championships. There will be recent of pics of him here that will be regularly updated, here are a few for now.

We are especially excited to give you the fantastic oppurtunity to now buy all your bodybuilding supplies online. Visit here at to purchase safely and in security. For supplements (including almost every brand available), clothing, dvds and latest research and techniques. Check out their weekly specials, you'll save your hard earnt $$.

What Are Jada's Plans?

Always in the pursuit of excellence Jada has for the moment decided to put his bodybuilding career on hold while certain business ventures are realised. However his training still continues and competition surley will resume.

Tip of the month for Oct:
"I always brought my mind into biceps training, thinking of them as mountains, not flesh and blood. By taking full advatage of this mental tool, this psychic phenomenom, and I was able to push myself to even greater training hieghts" Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Do you need size or cuts? What supplements should I get?
These can be difficult questions to ask, without doubt if you are just beginning, you need size, however when does it become time to say, lets start defining this mass, whatever stage you are at, you'll find the right products here at why not just have a browse and take advantage of their fantastic offers.

Big Jada!

Jada buys his supplies from Get yours today, just follow the link at the bottom of the page. - Buy all your supplies from here now! 132445